Lauren Boebert new viral

 Representative Lauren Boebert faced controversy during a recent theater performance in Denver. Despite her denial of vaping, new video evidence clearly shows her vaping in her seat. Boebert and her companion were asked to leave the Buell Theatre after their disruptive behavior, including vaping, singing along, and recording the show, led to multiple complaints from fellow attendees. Boebert's campaign manager asserted that the smoke was from the musical's effects, but the security footage contradicts this claim.

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In the video, a pregnant woman seated behind Boebert is seen trying to address her about the vaping, but Boebert dismisses her. The woman, who requested anonymity, mentioned that she and her husband asked to be relocated during intermission but couldn't find another seat. Boebert's response reportedly included calling the woman a "sad and miserable person" and her companion offering cocktails, despite the woman being pregnant.

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Ultimately, theater ushers had to threaten to involve the city police before Boebert and her date agreed to leave. During their exit, they made statements about their positions and threatened to contact the mayor. Security footage also captured Boebert making a rude gesture towards the security personnel as she was escorted out.

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