Markitos Toys new

 In a recent video, Markitos Toys, also known as Marcos Eduardo Castro, found himself in a distressing situation as he became linked to two members of the notorious Sinaloa drug cartel. The 24-year-old YouTuber openly acknowledged his close friendship with El Nini, a prominent figure within the cartel, while vehemently denying any involvement in criminal activities.

The unsettling incident unfolded amidst a group of armed men, leading to the brutal mutilation and interrogation of the victims. The shocking video has garnered widespread attention, raising serious concerns about Markitos Toys' potential ties to criminal elements. Originating from Culiacán, the popular YouTuber's reputation now faces scrutiny due to the disturbing nature of the footage.

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The video lays bare a harrowing scene where one victim is coerced into praising Markitos Toys under extreme duress. The captors persistently demand information about Markitos, orchestrating a gruesome sequence of mutilation with a methodical removal of one ear at a time. The graphic violence portrayed in the footage has left viewers profoundly shocked and disturbed.

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The accusations against Markitos Toys stem from an alleged official document identifying Marcos Eduardo, aka 'Markitos,' as the financial operator of 'El Nini.' Vanguardia cited the same document, which also detailed the arrest of Kevin Daniel Castro Beltrán, Markitos Toys' cousin, on November 23 for his association with the cartel. Additionally, Spanish media reported another video circulating earlier in the month, depicting the torture of two men who, under extreme duress, declared Markitos Toys' involvement while undergoing gruesome mutilation.

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